After turning 18 I found my way to the heart of Colorado and slowly discovered my passion for art. It took time for me to find my niche, but what continued to challenge me and change my perspective on life was photography in and of itself. Photography eventually became something more than just a creative outlet and a means of expressing myself but a part of who I am. In the Spring of 2018 I graduated from Metro State University in Denver with a BFA in Art Education and a concentration in Photography. The experiences I had in the arts program led me to discover a deeper love for not only myself but for other humans too. It drew me to a level of curiosity and compassion I'd never known and into a newfound love for life. After spending 10 years growing Shelby Borer Photography in both Colorado and my home state of Nebraska I decided to pack up and continue on the dream last February of 2023. Now based in the heart of Arizona, not only is Shelby Borer Photography continuing to grow and expand outside of its comforts, but so am I. To read more about my style of photography and my story click here.
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